Fig. 2. miR-451a regulates hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cell apoptosis and migration. A and B, Cellular (A) and exosomal (B) RNA were extracted from different HCC and normal hepatic cell lines. The expression of miR-451a was examined by quantitative PCR. C, Different concentrations of miR-451a mimics were transfected into SMMC-7721 cells. Cell viability was measured by performing CCK8 assays. D and E, Different concentrations of miR-451a mimics were transfected into SMMC-7721 cells. Apoptosis was measured by Annexin V staining (D) and TUNEL (E) assays. PI, propidium iodide. F and G, Different concentrations of miR-451a mimics were transfected into SMMC-7721 cells. Cell migration was determined by wound-healing (F) and transwell (G) assays. NC, negative control;*P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001